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Welcome To
Carlton Digby School

Together we achieve


As a school, we are required to submit and publish data to show what our pupils have achieved in National Curriculum Tests (as appropriate) for the pupils who were in Year 2, 6 and 11 each academic year. All pupils at the end of their key stage were working below the level of the tests and the national expectations (see tables below). This is in line with what we would expect for pupils with a wide range of complex learning difficulties who attend Carlton Digby School.

At Carlton Digby School, we have the highest aspirations for all of our pupils. We closely track the progress pupils make across the curriculum, towards accreditation and towards outcomes within an Education, Health and Care Plan, through Individual Learning Plan targets. We also support our pupils' holistic development and have a bespoke toolkit to support them in their personal development in the areas of attachment, confidence, independence, problem-solving, self-help, wellbeing and social interaction.

The school has three data review points across the school years, where pupil progress is reviewed and intervention is put into place as required.

At Key Stage 4 and 5, pupils within the semi-formal 2 and semi-formal PFA cohort work towards externally accredited qualifications through AIM Awards Employability Skills, Pearson Functional Skills and the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Please click to be taken to the school and college performance measures website.



Key Stage 2 Results

There were no pupils who sat the end of key stage 2 assessments in 2024.

Percentage of pupils achieving at the expected standard in reading, writing and maths


Percentage of pupils achieving a higher standards in reading, writing and maths


Progress scores in reading, writing and maths


Average scaled scores in reading and maths


GCSE Results

There were no pupils who sat GCSE exams in 2024.

Progress 8 score


Attainment 8 score


Percentage of pupils who achieved a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths


Percentage of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate


EBacc average point score (APS)