At Carlton Digby School, we firmly believe in sharing our strong practice with those around us to support the wider needs of young people with SEND across Nottinghamshire.
Shared Learning: We offer shared learning to a number of local young people who currently attend a mainstream setting so they can benefit from our provision and resources.
Visits: We facilitate visits from local mainstream schools who are keen to learn from us and improve their provision and offer for young people with SEND in their setting.
SENCo support: We offer support to local SENCos who are looking to expand their knowledge of special education and appropriate provisions and resources.
Teacher training placements: We feel it is important to offer teaching student placements to upskill teachers in their delivery to SEND pupils, both in special schools and mainstream settings.
Teacher training: We partner with The Redhill Teaching School to deliver to year 1 and year 2 ECTs to support their knowledge and understanding around SEND teaching.
College placements: We work with local colleges to offer placements to support achievement of qualifications in the areas of education support and health and social care.
Work experience: We offer a number of work experience placements to support young adults with gaining experience in a special school environment.
Network meetings: We lead and facilitate a Careers Working Party, Emotion Coaching Group, Assessment Group and Global Voices Group across Nottinghamshire Schools to improve the provision for young people with SEND across Nottinghamshire.