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Parents and Pupils

Here at Carlton Digby School, we strive to form positive relationships with parents.

We hold parents evening at least once per year to discuss children's progress and attainment; we liaise with parents when reviewing and setting individual education plans; and parents attend annual review meetings of their child's statement. You will also have an annual review of the EHCP, where progress and attainment will be discussed.

Regular communication is encouraged and class staff write on Class Dojo on a daily basis. Communication from parents is always greatly received and encouraged.

We use the WEDUC app to communicate with parents. This is improving the messages to parents and is kinder to the environment (we are using a lot less paper). We will be setting up online payments in due course.

Incident letters go home to ensure that parents are made fully aware of any issues that have happened around school. We also send home praise cards / certificates on a regular basis.

Parents are invited to many events throughout the year including: sports day, school performances, swimming, trips and visits.

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of your childs schooling, please contact the school to make an appointment with your childs teacher. You may also request an appointment with a member of the Senior Leadership Team if required.